Comic Book Review: Black Widow #20



Well the time spent with Natasha (Nat) and on Team Nat is now at a close for now. As some of you may have noticed, the Black Widow series is one of my favorite series out there. The comic had a great run at 20 issues and as hard as it is to be writing the final review for it, the comic ended, as it should. Which for those that know, is a hard thing to do as many people see the ending differently. Lets start there for this review at the end of the issue.

The end of the issue answers some questions that have been going on through out the series for me. One is the cat, why is Nat letting a cat get close to her, to depend on her? Doesn’t she have more important things to be doing? Those were some of the questions going on in my mind (Please note: I have a cat of my own so I was not thinking these things because I have a dislike for cats). But here at the end of the issue we see why Nat is letting this cat into her life. In fact, there are several cats in the end part of the issue, and they all link back to her one best friend that in the end she was forced to wipe out along with anyone or animal associated with her. This is where the cat comes in; her best friend has a cat and well bye bye kitty. So in all the other issues that had the little black cat in it and Nat allowing it to come close, this issue explains why. The cat also, at least for me, goes along with Nat removing some of her red from her ledger. In a way this cat is making up for the loss of her best friends cat and her best friends and what Nat had to do to them.

Also, we get in this issue another question answered. We get flashbacks to her best friend and the happening in Cuba but we also get present day panels as well. They are connected; they are showing what shaped Nat into becoming an avenger, an agent of shield (for awhile, as in the opening of the issue this reference is crossed out) and someone trying to make up for her past grievances. This point in her life, the killing of her best friend, seems to be the point that Nat wants to turn things around. Which lucky for all of us she does! Nat is now someone who is helping the innocent and defenseless.

It has been an exciting ride to read along on Nat’s adventures over the last 20 issues, some of the things she went through I could resonate with her and I am sure you, reader, could to on something’s. She truly is a dynamic character and one I will miss. Hopefully this is not the end of Black Widows story, hopefully she will pop up here and there in other story lines but for now thank you Nat for allowing us readers to see into who you truly are and understand the person behind the tough exterior.

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