I opened the first issue of The Resistants: The Broadcast Offensive and just so you know, it starts off with a bang! This is comic book that I picked up while at “Comic Con Revolution” in artist alley. The story is by K.J. Kaminski and the art done by Jason Johnson. I gotta say that…Read more
indie comic
Comic Book Review: Omega 1
When I first started creating The Stone Legacy, I knew that I was going to be doing something that many others do. I knew that I had to stand out from the rest of the pack so that the masterpiece that is my comic book could be seen in a crowd. When I started to…Read more
Convention Review: The Long Beach Comic Expo 2015
Another Comic Expo has come and gone! Here is our recap and review from the Expo! What a convention this year! For weeks, there was hype that this convention was now bigger and better than the previous years and boy was that correct! The convention had to be moved to a bigger hall in…Read more